PhORCAS System Alert Email Template
Subject Line: Tony Guerra, UMD Pharmacy School, Residency Application Receipt
Dear [RPD Name]:
My name is [Henry Jones] from the [University of Maryland Pharmacy School], PhORCAS ID: [20231234567] Match Number: [12345]. I wanted to confirm that my application for the [insert residency program title] Code [00000] has been received in full. I appreciate you taking the extra time to look, I know you are very busy, so I simply ask that you reply to this email with a yes or no.
Thank you,
Past Issue of Non-Receipt
Subject Line: PhORCAS/WebAdMIT System Alert - [Name, 20221234567]
Dear [RPD Name]:
My name is [Henry Jones] from the [Arizona Valley Pharmacy School], PhORCAS ID: [20221234567] Match Number: [12345]. I heard about a PhORCAS/WebAdMIT system alert and while I received a confirmation from PhORCAS for all my residency sites, I want to confirm that my application for the [insert residency program title] Code [00000] has been received in full. I appreciate you taking the extra time to look.
Thank you,